Alright, that's it. You've decided, you're going to get fit. You got your new Nikes, sweat-wicking lulu lemon shorts, you've found the perfect gym, organised with your best friend how you guys are gonna crush it, booked time off in your schedule to go, found the right workout plan from a celebrity trainer, charged up your Fitbit, everything [...]
Choosing Failure. Why we make bad decisions and how to make better ones.
In my life, I have made a lot of good decisions. Decisions that I reflect back on, and I feel like a proud father watching his child take their first step. Like when I decided to go to the gym for the first time and embarrass myself doing bicep curls with 5lbs. There are other decisions that I look [...]
Catching the Sun. Why sometimes the worst thing that can happen, is getting what you want.
My weakness is women. Anyone who knows me can likely confirm this. They are my light and my darkness. They have been the cause of some of my biggest ups and my most aggressive downs. (See binge eating and sleeping 16 hours a day). I grew up believing that finding the right girl would solve [...]
Start Producing Quality. Why you need to expect more from yourself and from the people in your life.
Have you ever taken a class where the teacher required that students do a certain amount of words on an essay? Let’s say they set the acceptable range for the word count was 2,000-4,000. I bet you 90 percent are going to go for the 2,000 mark. Honestly, if you did the 4,000 you are probably [...]
Quit rewarding yourself. A quick guide on how to channel your inner monk and tap into never-ending motivation.
When it comes to achieving goals and making life changes motivation is critical. But there are different kinds of motivation. A simple categorization is extrinsic vs. intrinsic. Extrinsic motivation is any reward that is external to you. It encompasses everything from medals to cookies to money to an old friend saying “wow, you've lost weight”. Intrinsic [...]